2014 Bring & Fly Report by Austin Massey
Excellent weather and a good attendance made this year’s Bring and Fly a great event. There was continuous flying at the power field and the slopes,as usual, were busy. The first day was ideal for slopers, the slope of the day being the Northwest corner, overlooking Hell’s mouth. Sunday started a bit slow because of the weather but eventually was so good that most of the flyers missed the raffle and presentation in the afternoon.
I got a bit carried away when entering photos in my report and then couldn’t decide which ones to remove. So, to avoid it being one long document, I have broken it down into sections, for those with with a short attention span. I have also included a couple of videos, kindly provided by visiting flyers. Please use the index below:
The Sunday before the event - lots of flyers came for the whole week.
Friday the 26th. Mostly the goings - on at the Slope of the Day.
Saturday and Sunday at the Power field - Part 1
Saturday and Sunday at the Power field - Part 2
A very good general impression of the Bring & Fly (Power field) - by Albert Rowe

Sunday 21st. Some of the flyers arrive the weekend before the event, many of them staying at Pen-y-Berth. They make a holiday of it and meet up with flying buddies. I visited the field and was lucky to catch them “at play”. Most of the time was spent glider towing, Steve Vine and Will Gillam doing the towing with their Titans. Richard Vale had an exciting time when his tow release failed. Steve Vine released at the tug end and Richard managed to land with the line attached. Apparently this happened again later in the week with Kevin Nulty, contributing to Kevin being awarded the “Toilet” trophy, this and another mishap at the slopes.
Richard "taxiing" his ASK 18
Wingman John Mansley lets go
Steve's Titan lifts off
Will didn't only provide a tug service
But, once up, it flew fine
John's model seemed a bit Diddy for aero towing
Almost ready for take off - tug standing by
Looks a bit eerie in flight
David Fettes launching technique could become an Olympic sport

Friday 26th. The first day. As usual, front of the registration queue were the slopers, keen to get out there and make the most of what promised to be a good day.
When things quietened down in our “office”, Malcolm Kirkness and myself managed to get away for an hour and visit them at the NorthWest corner.
What a beautiful location
What a beautiful location
Just one of the many
Mandy McGoldrick is given spinning lessons by Adrian Carnally.
Seems to be ...................
.... getting the hang of it.
Paul Jubb's ......
Beautiful ....
Scale Glider
Has Andrew lost something?
I think these two have got wind
Simon Blay won another trophy
On behalf of the LleynMAC , I would like to thank a number of the slopers For their very generous donations. I don’t like to mention names or amounts but it has gone on record and we are very grateful.

Saturday and Sunday were typical “show” days with club flyers and visitors taking part. Andy Johnson was here with the Lancaster and, new to us, a large scale Vampire. Andy, with the help of George Murgatroyd and Andy Yates put on a great display all weekend. George and Andy (Yates) are excellent builders and flyers themselves and put many hours into building these large models.
Sadly missed at the event, was Doug Rigby, who passed away earlier this year. Doug used to put on a tremendous display with his large models and jets.
The Lancaster flown at “scale” speed looking very realistic.
The Vampire goes through it’s paces.
**** A tribute to Doug ****
Hard luck story number one.
Alan Lever - all the way from West Sussex -for ease of transport, brought along this lovely little home-built trainer type model. This is a plane that he doesn’t fly regularly and he had difficulty tuning the engine which resulted in three failed attempts at getting airborne. Alan has accepted my invitation to come back next year, possibly on a normal club day when he will have more time to set up and fly.
Hard luck story number two.
Andy Gordon, club Safety Officer, flew his screaming machine the Velocity, being launched here by Martin Roberts, quite impressively until it got a little too close to the ground. As our P.A. Announcer, Frank Pilling said - a bin bag is a vital part of a flyer’s equipment. Steve Vine, bravely asked Andy if he put his divot back.
Hard luck story number three.
Andy again, this time with his Yak. You can see that the wings are pretty well intact. The theory is that the plane was over-stressed and a wing joiner gave way. Whatever, it bit the dust. This, and hard luck story number two, resulted in Andy being awarded the Power field Toilet Trophy. Well done Andy.
Five good luck stories:
These lucky lads got to fly the Lancaster (On Buddy-Leads), thanks to Andy Johnson’s generosity.
Michael’s comment: “I want one!”
Michael Jones
Michael Jones
Chris Cross
Ray Peters
Frank Pilling

Ray Peters brought two lovely big models - a 1/3. scale “Kinner” and a very realistic “Thunderbolt”. Both flew beautifully. Foreground on the right is Bill Grimsley with his Focke Wulf 190.
Lindsay Todd kindly gave me the link to his “on - board” video taken from his Piper Cub.( Video 1 on the index page). Thanks Lindsay.
Martin Roberts flew his “Beast”
He also did a bit of smoking.
And he flew his beautiful scale motor - glider a “Grob” I think.
Bob Davies from Corwen brought his “Sesqui” to put through it’s paces.
Derek Pickup with his "Edge"
Frank Pilling maidens his glider
Walter Tonks and his "Maul"
Reg Biddlecombe from Angelsey brought his own-design, home - built elec. Model.
Great construction and finish and flew well.

Unfortunately the slopers were having such a good time that they missed the presentation -I believe Simon Blay was having a swim. Anyway, here are the results:
The Nigel Hough Trophy went to the “Iawnski crew”- Kevin Davies, Ian Davies & Paul, for being the most enthusiastic.
The Roger Broad Trophy went to Simon Blay for being the life and soul of the Party.
The Toilet Trophy to Kevin Nulty for his antics with his ASK 18.
On the Power Field we presented non-returnable trophies as follows:
Best Scale Model - to Andy Johnson for the Vampire.
Most Entertaining - to the Liverpool Team- Andy Johnson, George Murgatroyd and Andy Yates.
The Toilet Trophy - to Andy Gordon for his Yak and Delta mishaps.
The Club gives thanks to everyone who helped with the setting up and running of the event. The members, the members families, to all who made donations - monetary and edible, prizes for the raffle, the non-members who gave us their time and effort and the visiting fliers for entertaining us and bringing models that we don’t normally have opportunity to see.