CONSTITUTION OF LLEYN MODEL AERO CLUB Effective from 24th October 2003
Amended 8th. November 2012
TITLE. Amended 1st November 2023
The Club shall be called the LLEYN MODEL AERO CLUB.
The Encouragement and Advancement of the Safety and Enjoyment of Flying Model Aircraft, from instruction and demonstration by advanced flyers of the club and visiting lecturers and instructors
Membership shall be limited to 60 persons
Membership shall fall into one of the following groups.
A) Full adult membership.
B) Country Membership.
C) Junior membership (Limited to members under the age of l8yrs).
THE OFFICERS of the club shall be the CHAIRMAN, HONORARY SECRETARY, HONORARY TREASURER, WEBMASTER, TRAINING OFFICER and SAFETY OFFICER. They shall be elected at the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING each year and take office for the ensuing year.
THE COMMITTEE of MANAGEMENT (hereafter called the Committee) shall consist of the Club Officers, THREE ordinary members, and TWO junior members, who shall be elected individually at the Annual General Meeting.
The Committee shall be conducted by the Club Chairman, and shall have the power to make rules consistent with the constitution and make such appointments as they may consider necessary for the efficient working of the club, and may delegate any of its powers to SUB-COMMITTEES or INDIVIDUALS as they may think fit.
The Chairman has a right to an additional casting vote if necessary.
The COMMITTEE shall meet from time to time, as they may consider necessary or be required by any TWO officers or any THREE Members of the Management Committee.
The Honorary Secretary shall inform the members of the committee of such meetings and the business to be transacted thereat.
Four members of the committee shall form a Quorum.
The Honorary Secretary shall keep minutes of all Committee Meetings which shall be approved at the next committee meeting and duly signed by the chairman at that meeting.
Vacancies occurring on the committee between the Annual General Meetings may be filled by the Committee but such appointments shall only hold until the next Annual General Meeting.
The Trustees shall be the Chairman, The Honorary Treasurer and the Honorary Secretary.
The whole property of the club shall be vested by the Trustees and all investments, purchase of property, contracts and agreements shall be made in the name of the Trustees.
The club funds and all the club's property, the subject matter of the trust, shall however be subject to the general disposition of the Committee, the order of whom signed by the Chairman, for the time being, and attested by the Honorary Secretary shall be obligatory upon and indemnify the Trustees, for any sale, purchase, investment, or other act done in pursuance of such orders.
The Committee shall cause true and accurate accounts to be kept of all monies received and expended by the Club and of the assets and liabilities of the Club. Such accounts will be kept by the Honorary Treasurer, and closed on the 31st September each year and shall be audited by an auditor appointed by the committee. A Banking Account shall be opened in the Club's Name in a Bank domiciled in Pwllheli and operated upon by cheques drawn and signed by the Honorary Treasurer and one other member of the Committee. A copy of the Honorary Treasurer's Statement of Accounts shall be presented at the AGM.
An ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING shall be held in October each year to receive reports from the Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, to elect the Club Officers, and TWO ordinary members to the Management Committee and to appoint Sectional Officers as deemed necessary.
On receipt of a request signed by six ordinary members, or by resolution of the Committee the Honorary Secretary shall within fourteen days therefrom call an EXTRA ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. THIRTEEN members shall form a quorum.
Fourteen days notice of any general meeting shall be given to ALL members but the accidental omission of proper notification to a member shall not invalidate any business done or resolutions passed at such meetings, The notice of an Annual General Meeting shall be accompanied by an agenda. The notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall state clearly the object of the meeting.
Any part of the constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than TWO THIRDS of the members present who being entitled to vote, do vote at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose.
All members must abide by the "SPECIAL RULES FOR THE FLYING OF MODEL AIRCRAFT" such rules to be published and amended by the committee from time to time as may be deemed necessary.
Application for Membership shall be made on an official form accompanied by the appropriate fees and submitted to the Honorary Treasurer. Any acceptance being subject to the final approval of the committee. If the application is refused the fees received will be returned in full.
Subscriptions shall be on a scale that shall be determined by the members of the Club at the Annual General Meeting and shall be payable as follows.
(a) For a full year's membership, payment will be due at the commencement of the year.
(b) Members joining after six months of the year have passed will pay only HALF the annual fee on joining to cover the rest of the year's membership.
(c) Members joining after 10 months have elapsed will pay the whole year's fee to cover the remainder of the year and the whole of the following year.
(d) Refunds will only be made under exceptional circumstances.
(e) Flying members must hold BMFA membership
A register of all members with their addresses shall be kept by the Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. The register shall be open for inspection by any member of the Club on application to the Honorary Secretary or the Honorary Treasurer.
Any member wishing to resign his/her membership of the club shall notify the Honorary Secretary in writing.
The Committee shall have the power to suspend from all participation in Club activities any member whose subscription shall remain unpaid for more than THREE months after it becomes due.
Any member whose conduct is deemed by the Committee to have been detrimental to the interest of the Club may be requested to resign. Should such member decline to do so he/she may be suspended immediately by the committee and subsequently expelled by a resolution of not less than two thirds of the Members present, who being entitled to vote do so at an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING convened to deal with the matter.
Any member who for any cause ceases to be a member of the Club shall have no claim on Properties or Funds of the Club and shall return forthwith any property belonging to the Club. He/She shall remain liable for and shall pay to the Club any unpaid subscriptions or other dues at the date of his/her cessation of membership
The Club shall not be responsible for any loss to any member's personal property brought except where the bringing of such property has been requested by the Committee in writing and details of which have been registered in writing with the Honorary Secretary.
The Committee may lend Club property and equipment to members but members must sign a receipt for such and shall be responsible for the safe return of such property or equipment and shall pay in full for any damage or loss to such as is on loan
No Member shall use any Club equipment until he/she is considered fully conversant with its use.
Any Member who is responsible for any loss or damage to any Club property or equipment shall report such to the Committee and shall be liable financially if the Committee so decide.
An up to date register of all property and equipment belonging or lent to the Club shall be kept at all times by the Honorary Secretary.
No property or equipment may be removed from the premises without the express permission of the Committee.
The Committee shall have the power to hire or lend Club property or equipment to responsible bodies (i.e. Community Projects) and shall have full discretion over the terms and conditions of such loans.
All such transactions shall be regarded as an absolute private concern and the Club shall not act as agents to such. Providing such deals are not negotiated at Club meetings the Club will in no way object to such. Members shall not act as agents on commission for business purposes on Club premises
The Committee however has the right to organise Sales, Auctions, Fetes etc. for the convenience of members of the club and the right to arrange the terms of such efforts.
Members may introduce friends to Club meetings.
If a visitor wishes to fly an aircraft and can provide evidence that he/she is covered by an approved third party insurance he/she may do so on payment of the appropriate fee so long as it will not be to the detriment of other flying members. and they are accompanied by a club member. In special circumstances these requirements may be waived at the discretion of the committee.
The Annual Session shall commence on the 1st January and end on 31st December.
To conform with the Customs and Excise regulations it is ruled that:-
(a) The funds of the club will be applied solely to the objects stated in the Clubs Constitution, Rules and Regulations.
(b) In the event of the Club's dissolution the remaining funds will be devoted to objects similar to those of the Club, or other purposes approved by the commissioners of Customs and Excise.